Friendly reminder:
Let's say someone next to you smacks their head on something hard. Your own head is turned at the time, so you don't see it happen, but you do hear a THUD and him exclaiming AAAAAAHHHH! Naturally, you say, "You alright?"
If the person says "no" or in my case today "no, not really" and then staggers off, and then later returns saying he might be a bit concussed, consider checking on him and make sure he's okay.
In my case today, I'm alright. I got a bit nauseous and have felt woozy, but after a half hour, during which I've checked myself and how I'm doing repeatedly, am confident that I'm fine.
But: when someone says they're not alright, and that they may be somewhat concussed, please actually do something about it. Jeez.