I've got a real man-crush on Morten Harket. I'm listening to something from his new solo album, but most people would look at him and say "ah, the a-ha guy," which would be correct... he's the lead singer of a-ha. He's the doll on the right on this 1980's album cover:
Thing is, here's a couple shots of him from a live appearance a few weeks ago, too:
The guy is almost fucking 50. I'm jealous of his beauty.
Tangential aside: I just learned from Wikipedia that Harket holds the record for longest note held in a "hit" (I imagine that means "top 40") song... 20.2 seconds in "Summer Moved On" from their album "Minor Earth, Major Sky" (2000). Yay for Wikipedia.
Anyway, the new a-ha album is out early 2009, so, another reason to live another year. Yeah yeah, I know most everyone is thinking "a-ha? srsly? LOL!" Yes, they are still alive. They broke up and regrouped, and have put out an album every 2 or 3 years since 2000. Interestingly they've gone from being on the forefront of technopop in the 80s to increasingly analogue in these past few years (to the point where "Analogue" is even the name of their 2005 album... which rocks).