Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WTF are you people thinking?

Holy fucking shit: convicted felon Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska is winning his race for re-election by a tiny margin. It's still too close to call, as of nearly 6PM EST on the day after, but the current tally is 48-47% w/99% of precints reporting.

Check it. Surreal. Not to leave the saner people in Alaska out in the cold or nothin' (HAW HAW HAW), but I'm really not against this secession idea.

Meanwhile Al Franken seems to have lost by not even 500 votes, which triggers an automatic recount. CNN is listing the Georgia seat as being undecided, although incumbent Saxby Chambliss - besides having the cooler name - seems way too far ahead; not sure why they haven't called it already. The Oregon seat is still up for grabs... the Dem has 2k less in votes, but a quarter of the precints have yet to complete their counts; some lean heavily for the Dem, some for the Rep incumbent.