Anyway, we need a housemate. If you or someone you know wants a place in a vegetarian household in Worcester, Massachusetts, send 'em my way. Hell, if you simply know someone in the Worcester area, tell them to pass this "must-see" offer along to all their friends.
The blurb follows:

Wanted: Housemate (Vegetarian only!)
When: February 1st, 2008
Where: Avalon Place, 6 blocks in from Elm Park & Highland St.
Very central, w/in walking distance to everything
What: Large 1st floor apt: 4 bedrooms, 2 large common rooms, kitchen
Big attractive house built in the 1830s
Who: We 3 housemates are ages 28 to a YOUNG (I’ll have you know) 40
Price: $385/month includes heat; internet/electricity is cheap.
- The room up for grabs is particularly nifty
- Use of free laundry machines
- Lots of storage space available
- Pets OK. Pets are great!
Call Phobrek at 508-755-8732, or email!
Location: if you’re not familiar with this area, know that:
- The stretch of nearby Highland St. has decent restaurants, bars, cafe, and many fun shops, making it one of Worcester’s few lively, popular areas.
- A supermarket is w/in walking distance near the lovely Elm Park, and across the park is (appropriately) Park Ave., with more restaurants, shops, and fun.
- Highland Street goes downtown and becomes Route 9, giving quick highway access; Park Ave is a main street which crosses the city: when you’re getting to places in or out of Worcester, this is an ideal location.
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