Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Grasping at straws... yer doin' it wrong.

I love that Joe Biden actually threw that WFTV news anchor's ridiculous bullshit back into her face. Why doesn't this happen more often? How is that female candidates generally have bigger balls than the men? Well, maybe they have to, just to be able to compete against the old boys' network.

Anyway, it's about fucking time. And is it that I don't read the right sites (pun unintended but nifty nonetheless), or has the media generally ignored that John McCain has had just as much (and more recent) involvement with ACORN than Obama? I may well have missed this on whatever news source, I only got to hear it from Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann.

In short, McCain was the keynote speaker of an ACORN-sponsored rally in 2006. Obama was involved 13 years ago, when as a lawyer, he and the US Justice Department co-represented ACORN when pushing through a motor-voter registration law. So, yeah, in general Republicans hate ACORN, since unregistered voters - once registered - are overwhelmingly likely to vote for a Democrat. Of course, ACORN is not guilty of voter fraud. They were the ones that reported that they'd discovered some of their pay-by-the-registration employees to be guilty of fraud.

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