Sunday, October 10, 2010

chronic blogulation

I just preserved myself by downloading all of my old livejournal entries. Somehow they only allow you to do it month by month, which is odd, but it made me see how erratic my posting has been. I knew it was erratic, but it was surprising to see that in some years I posted, like, twice. This year, I've only posted a bit (uhm, I think this is my 5th or so). I did notice that I missed copying posts over to the LJ from here quite a bit, but this has only been going for 3 years. My first post on livejournal - my first blog online, I guess - was all the way back on June 3rd, 2001. A decade of blogging during my decade of complete lamitude.

Various parts of that first post are interesting to me, but this part about my medical condition made me laugh:

So really, finally getting SOME diagnosis and treatment is a great thing; the idea being that I can get better, and be better than I ever was, I think. The road is insanely long, though. It took me months before I could even begin to get treatment, and the more I go through it, the more I realize that this is a long haul.

Long haul, indeed. 10 years and counting. Insane. As I said after that paragraph: "Well, shit."

As a sign of the times, I can think back to how I blogged in the decade/century before: by zine, Taz Times (originally Hei Times, Hei being my last name for a brief period). It's a good thing those "personalzines" weren't online, since they were a bit too revealing. I should hook up my scanner and scan in the covers though, one was pretty amusing.

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